
World of warships zao legendary module
World of warships zao legendary module

world of warships zao legendary module

So a Zao, Hindenburg could with proper play, bounce AP smaller than 430. 430mm is a critical threshold because that is what Overmatches 30mm, which is the armor plate the later Heavy Cruisers relied on to foil AP shells smaller than 430mm. The 430mm+ proliferation in the game shafts not only Zao, but Cruisers in general. The game has been increasingly more dangerous for Cruisers as time has gone on. (Much better torp angles, much more hps) Elbings, Smalands, DMs', Smollies etc are just waiting for this tactic, I've blapped Zao's doing this right after their buff and boom, bye, bye Zao. If you stealth torp, kite, then then shoot to try and herd the ship you will get blapped because the troll armor gimmick, plus bad maneuverability is useless. Yoshino is a MUCH better ship now for doing the same thing. I would agree with except for three points, 1. Could the Zoa use a buff here to there sure, may a little better torp angle or a faster torp reload or maybe another 5k bump in HP since it is a "heavy" cruiser and has light cruiser HP What's the first thing a ship does when you start shooting normally, turn or slowdown. You got to plan ahead launch your torp from stealth, finish your tur then user your guns to push your target into the torps. You are supposed to launch from stealth in that ship. Why is launching torps a death sentence if it is then you are doing it wrong. A single shell from one of the ubiquitous 457s gets rid of the handful of hitpoints she was given.

world of warships zao legendary module

Zao needs something more than the handful of hitpoints she got in her last "buff". So either do not use your guns and remain concealed or do not use your torps. So either launch from stealth or get dev struck. In order to launch you have to give full broadside.

world of warships zao legendary module

You cannot even kite with them because the angles are basically straight out from the side. Her torpedoes are good but launching them is a death sentence. There are too many ships with 457s one them. The Zao was one of my first tier Xs and was one of my favorites as well. I know this topic comes up a lot but I just played two battles in my Zao and it was really disappointing.

World of warships zao legendary module